Recently, the European Commission announces new regulation (EU)2016/1416, which is the sixth amendment for the plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food regulation (EU)10/2011. The new regulation would take effect after 14th September with no buffer period. Products that does not comply with the new regulations, but meets the standards of the old (EU)10/2011 regulation, could be continued on the market for stock clearance until 14th September, 2017.
Judging by the new regulations, we could see the major concerns of the EU towards the standards of plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food.
According to the professionals, the main amendments are as follows:
Exported products expecting increased challenges and risks
From the above revisions, we could see that the EU has high concerns towards the safety of plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food; regulations of migrant substance limits were tightened, and especially the revision of “Addition of the possible ‘hot-filling’ situations”, which significantly increased the technical standards in terms of the product’s different properties, such as: heat resistance, structure and ingredients stability, and the potential release of toxic substances; posing a greater challenge and risk to the safety of such exported products.
According to the statistics; exported food contact products has a relatively higher non-compliant rate. Until August 29, the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) of the EU reported 159 issues of Chinese products, of those 61 issues were Food Contact products, which is 40% of the total issues reported, and especially plastic products, which account for 28 issues alone, about 20%. Reasons mainly were harmful substances released exceeding standards of the EU or its member countries.